Curated Collection Blog Post Template

Not all content creation needs to be 100% original!

You can selectively gather and share only the most relevant, comprehensive insights and resources from around the web with your readers.

This template walks you through step-by-step on how to create a high quality blog post from curated content.

  1. Identify Your Audience
  2. Identify Your Key Takeaway
  3. Identify What Types of Content You Want to Curate
  4. Brainstorm a Few Possible Titles
  5. Create an Outline
  6. Write the Introduction
  7. Write the Body
  8. Write the Conclusion
  9. Link to Additional Resources within Your Post
  10. Finalize Your Title
  11. Pick a Call-to-Action
  12. Copy & Paste Your Blog Post Copy into Your Blogging Platform
  13. Edit, edit, edit
  14. Choose an Image
  15. Optimize Your Post for Search
  16. And Finally, Hit Publish!

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